The Biggest Obstacle for Women Renovators

The podcast for women who want to create income and a life they love through renovating

Join serial renovator Bernadette Janson as she explores the ins and outs of renovating for profit!

Bernadette has over 30 years of experience in the renovating for profit business. She’s a registered nurse, a renovator, a mum, and a teacher.

151 – Achieve Financial Freedom With Renovating – Focus on 3 Types Of Projects

So you want to transform your world with renovating?

We highlight here the 3 types of projects every renovator needs in her plan to achieve financial freedom with renovating.

Now before you start cruising Instagram or the real estate pages, you need to get the basics in place. 


Watch Episode 151 on Video:

The 3 Types Of Projects To Achieve Financial Freedom With Renovating


  • [01:00] The act of planning
  • [02:00] Start with your big Kahuna
  • [05:00] The Jet Fuel Of Your Goals
  • [06:00] First type of renovation- family home
  • [08:00] Guard your emotion when renovating your family home
  • [09:00] Maximising your assets
  • [10:00] Getting the sequence right with your projects.
  • [12:00]  Flips- cashflow projects
  • [15:00] Wealth building strategies
  • [17:30] Poor investing decisions
  • [19:00] Buy and execute wealth-building projects
  • [21:00] Know your biggest challenges
  • [24:00] If the market’s not going to pay for it, you don’t put it in
  • [26:30] Updates about The School Of Renovating

The process of planning really helps you to sharpen your axe and get focused and intentional about what you’re trying to achieve. But the plan itself should never be set in stone because you need to flex and bend.
~ Bernadette Janson

Create Your Master Plan

You need a plan that is well considered with written goals , broken down into the steps needed to achieve your goals. I  liken it to  planning for an epic trip.
Without a plan, your goals are just pipe dreams

Start With Your Big Kahuna For Financial Freedom with Renovating

This is  the ultimate goal you want to achieve with your renovating

 If we use the travel analogy, you might decide you want to go on a holiday and end up in NEW YORK in 4 weeks’ time..

So there’s an outcome and a timeframe

With your Reno plan, you need to decide what you want to have achieved and by when.  

 It’s a good idea to express it in the present tense as if it has already happened. This helps to engage your subconscious mind.               

Here are some examples…

  1. It’s 2029, and I have a portfolio of properties producing a cash flow of $150,000.
  2. It’s  2023 and I have completely replaced my day job salary of $90,000 with cashflow renovation projects.
  3. It’s 2026 I own my dream home in my dream location mortgage-free. 

That’s your big Kahuna?

Map Out The Steps To Achieve Your Goal

When planning an epic trip to New York, you would map out each leg in the journey.
Same with your financial freedom plan.
You want to map out your projects to get you to your goals.
Shortly, I will outline the types of projects to get you there.

The Plan Itself Should Never Be Set In Stone

You need to adapt to change and optimize your results.
If there’s something that we have learned from the pandemic it’s the need to be willing to work with change in order to succeed.

Plus, once you start working on your plan, the doorway to opportunity tends to open up.
Using our travel analogy, you might have planned to stay a couple of nights in Los Angeles then drive to Las Vegas. 

But you hear from an old friend who is living in Phoenix who invites you to come and stay a few days.
You don’t want your plan to be so rigid that you can’t take up that wonderful opportunity.

Engage In The Planning Process Often

The process of planning really helps you to stay focused and intentional about what you’re trying to achieve

General Dwight D. Eisenhower said:
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

While you must be really clear about what your end goal is, how you get there will change according to the things that you learn and the opportunities that arise along the way.

For instance, legislation changes affect your projects, they can make one strategy less effective, then you need to look at another strategy. 

Stephen and I had purchased a large block to build townhouses however there were changes in the legislation that impacted our original plan.

We changed to a different property and strategy and the detour provided the opportunity to pick up a cool $600k lump sum in the process.

1. The First Type Of Project Is A Family Home
(Principal Place of Residence)

For the majority of Australians, the family home represents MOST of their wealth Most Australian homeowners amass way more wealth through their homes than they could EVER save.

By being strategic about buying and renovating your PPOR you have the ability to make millions.

“I personally think if property is your thing, owning a family home is really important because it’s an opportunity to make a tax-free profit.”
Bernadette Janson

When you have a family home, you can build your equity quickly with renovation rather than waiting for organic growth. Renovating is like jet fuel for the growth of your equity.

That equity build-up can give you a bucket of cash to help fund your other projects.

Tax-free profit is a pretty powerful incentive but you also get to practice your renovating skills in a relatively low-risk way.


And, There Is A Problem With Renovating Your Family Home That You Should Be Aware Of

When we make decisions about the home in which we will bring up our children and create memories it’s not uncommon to lose sight of logic and reason.

The decisions are almost always tinged with emotion and lead to overspending.

If you find yourself scouring the timber yards for an exotic (and expensive) species of timber for your floors or you spend enough to feed a small country on your new kitchen it’s time to take stock.

Manage your  emotions and your budget wisely so your renovation adds more value than it costs so you can free up extra equity to start building your empire

Optimise Under Utilised Space When Renovating For Financial Freedom

Another opportunity your family home can provide is additional cash flow. 

If the space in your home is under-utilised, some minor alterations may enable you to rent out a portion of the home to create additional cash flow to fund your goals and maybe even pay off your mortgage.

Then There Is Downsizing

Let’s say you’re an empty nester and you are rattling around in a big home. You, my friend, are on the brink of a major windfall,
should you choose to take up the renovation challenge!

Let’s face it, your family home has grown in value in the time you have owned it. By selling, you will be into millionaire territory.

 But wait, there’s more.  If your home is a bit tired and dated, you should be able to achieve an extra 10% to the sale price (after costs) with a makeover.

And when you buy a doer-upper as your new home, you can save/make hundreds of thousands more.

Stephen and I pocketed a total of approx $500,000 in our downsizing operations.


What If You Don’t Have A Family Home?

Guess what, that’s your first project. 

 If you can’t afford the home you want, buy what you can afford.

Renovate and sell, go again and keep going until you have worked up to your forever home. Renovating for financial freedom is a step by step process.

This strategy is called climbing the property ladder and the beauty of it is that your profit is tax-free*

2. The Second Type Of Renovation Is A Cash Flow Project.

So let’s say your long-term goal is to produce, let’s say $200,000 income per year, or it might be 50,000. 

Now let’s say you’ve harnessed the potential of your family home and you’ve got that bucket of equity that you can use for your next project.

So What’s Your Next Project Going To Be?

 If you’re really happy in your job or running a business and you have sufficient cash flow and equity you would be wise to skip this step for now.  The third type of project, wealth building projects will build much more wealth over time. Achieving financial freedom with renovating is a muscle you can grow stronger with time and experience.

You may not have that option though, especially If you’re not happy with your job or you’re not earning enough income, your next type of project probably needs to be a cash flow project.

Cash flow projects are generally flipping to produce lump sum profits to:

  1. Create cash flow to replace the income from your current job or business
  2. Build up a chunk of cash to buy your first home
  3. Make cash to fund other projects
  4. Pay for school fees, holidays, or your mortgage.

Flipping Is Addictive

The projects are high-energy and adrenaline-driven. There is something really satisfying about working against the clock to get your project in top shape to style for the market. Selling and achieving a significant profit is validating.

It Is Important That You Don’t Stay Flipping

It’s just like having a job, if you don’t work, you don’t get paid.  In order to get leverage, you do need to start holding property as soon as you can

My suggestion would be to keep turning over projects until you have replaced your income and are in a position to be able to move on to wealth-building projects

The Problem With Flipping

Put simply, flipping can be risky.  

This is because the market is fluctuating constantly and if you buy at the peak and sell in a trough, you can lose a chunk of your profit margin to the fluctuation. Add to that a few nasty surprises and a bunch of rogue trades and you are in a pickle.

So How Do You Reduce The Risk Of Flipping?

Get educated, learn the system, and how to do research and due diligence.
Build a team of trades and professionals to help you make the right decisions.

Most importantly, have a solid plan B so you are never forced to sell.
You only lose money when you sell and if the market turns, hold until it recovers.
I have found that every time my profit margin has been impacted by market fluctuations, holding the property for a bit longer has solved the problem

Of course, your feasibility needs to have been solid in the first place. If you have based your feasibility on unrealistic numbers, you are in trouble before you start.

The Power Of A Reno Brainstrust

We do have a lot of renovators who are doing very well with straight flips.
It is not safe for a newbie with no training and no support because you can easily come unstuck.

We’ve done really well in terms of flips is we’ve put together the joint venture strategy. So, that someone that’s not quite as experienced can team up with someone that’s more experienced. And so that they have that I guess, expertise with them on a day-to-day basis, cashflow projects are very exciting.

Stacking Strategies To Reduce Market Risk

Consider stacking strategies, to add more opportunities for profits, add a buffer against changes in the market.

If you were to add a subdivision strategy to your reno, you might seriously increase your profit potential but it does depend on where you are working.

Let’s say you’re in North Melbourne, land big enough to do a subdivision is going to require a much bigger budget.
If you are working in say Wollongong or Ballarat, then that’s quite possible that you could find that sort of project at a more affordable price.

3. The Third Type Of Renovation Is A Wealth Building Project.

So the third strategy to achieve financial freedom with renovating is wealth-building strategies. These are the nirvana for renovators because not only do you have the benefit of organic growth, Organic growth, you also have the renovation to push it along.

You Have Got To Get The Right Strategy, Location And Property For Your Plan

Plenty of people make big mistakes at this point and waste time, money, and energy on properties that don’t get them the results.
They do the right thing, build a portfolio and after years, decades even, they are not worth much more than the loans and they are producing little to no cash flow.
The annoying thing is that many of these purchases are guided by so-called experts.

If you are a renovator, use your skills to give you wealth-building wings.  If you don’t have the capacity to do it at the time, buy the potential and do it when you have the time or money.

Small Units And Studios

Too often an investor will buy a little unit or studio as their first purchase because they think it is safe. It’s not safe, it’s often a dead end.

You might give it a splash of paint to tidy it up but then you have to just sit on it and wait, and wait, and wait…

Small units and studios have their place, particularly in high-growth areas.
Amanda Gould talked recently about smart little studios being a great SMSF investment and I agree because they can often produce excellent income compared to their value.

Where You Buy Depends A Lot On Your Age

If you are in your twenties or thirties, you can afford to wait a few decades and capitalise on the growth

If you are older and want to retire soon, you really need to be more focused on cash flow and renovating to retire.

When You Are Buying Wealth Building Properties Go For Quality Over Quantity

By quality, I am referring to their potential to expand both the equity and cash flow.  

Now I am going to shock you here, I really don’t think an older renovated property is a great long-term investment. New properties are better which is why I think the micro-development strategy is hands down the best wealth-building strategy.

  1. Buy a house with enough land to further develop
  2. Subdivide and build new on the spare land. Either a house or a duplex
  3. Renovate the existing house and sell for profit  
  4. Pay the profit back into the project
  5. Rent and hold the new property

Why Do I Love The Micro-Development Strategy?

  1. It uses domestic builders and residential borrowing
  2. Utilises your renovating skills to increase the value of the house to in effect, get your land for free**
  3. By selling the existing house, avoid paying  GST
  4. You retain the new property so low maintenance, high depreciation.
  5. By putting the profit back into the project you have high equity and high cashflow
  6. By refinancing you can rinse and repeat to build a highly charged property portfolio

She Renovates Facebook Group

If you want to meet up with a group of savvy renovators. I would say come over and join She Renovates Facebook Group. It’s a completely FREE Facebook group and it is growing at the rate of knots. We hit over a thousand members just recently, and now it seems to have picked up momentum. They are all savvy renovating women and men working their little hearts out to live a better life through renovating.

Spend time thinking about what you want, not what you don’t want. If you do have a monkey mind that says, no, no, no, you could have a little chat with it and say, why are you thinking like that? You are generally redirecting your mind and lending your conscious mind to take over rather than your subconscious mind.”
~ Amali De Vos

Amali Found Serendipity In Renovating

When Amali was just getting started on her first project, she couldn’t find this particular door and she didn’t know where it’s going to happen, but then, she could see it exist.
She had a vision one night, it was a kitchen that needed this big window at the end. It needs to be about 550 wide and 1500 deep. She saw the building and she said, this is what has to happen at the end of the kitchen and asked herself if where could she get it from.
They checked a few places but it didn’t exist in the wide line of window markets. However, she believes if she can see it, it must exist. She finally got a message suggesting she can try that bliss demolitions place. Bernadette and Amali went there. They were advised that they didn’t have anything. Meanwhile, they said they got a few more things out in the back and there was the window, 550 wide, 1,500 tall that was ready to be sold for $150.

The Experience of Serendipity In Renovating

James mentioned that this definition of serendipity is somewhat intellectual. Whereas he thinks serendipity was experienced in a magical way. He remembered his trips with Bernadette, in the car between Sydney and Newcastle. She was often on Facebook Marketplace with a very clear intention of what they needed for the kitchen. James was looking for styling items and then, Bernadette suddenly has the perfect item. Right Place Right Time!
Bernadette was working on the Class Project and had a quote for the front fence of the New Lambton. $6,500! It was about 10 meters long and this quote was very high. She decided to search for options in the marketplace and found this fence in panels exactly as she wanted for $500. She got in touch with the seller and booked a van and asked her son to help her to pick up the fence in panels. The seller told her that they had it on the marketplace a couple of times. It wasn’t removed. They told her that each time they had a buyer they had to tell them to wait until it was removed and they would disappear. Bernadette had only looked for a minute when she discovered it. She found that situation magical. That problem could have been a blowout in their budget.  It was fixed in an instant.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS)

James explained the reticular activating system or RAS for short, is a filtering mechanism. As he talks to Bernadette, he mentions the feeling of the seat she is sitting on. She probably didn’t notice it until James mentioned it. He expressed gratitude for this RAS filtering system we all have. Otherwise, we would be in sensory overload all the time.
A typical example is when someone gets a new car, suddenly they can be seen everywhere on the road. He knew Bernadette had Teslas on her radar. He bet she was now noticing the logo more often. That is her RAS and there’s an association with serendipity.
The RAS helps you to focus your intention when you have a vision for something you want to happen.
Talking to Bernadette, he shared that there is a dimension in our lives which we could call ‘spiritual teammates’, or angels, or our natural innate power. Whatever it is, this energy helps you to find things and manifest what you want.
Amali imagined a window she needed for her renovation – she thought there must be the right window. In the middle of the search, she finally found out exactly the window she needed – and at a very low cost too!
There’s a lot that anyone can do to activate your ability, to be present, to be involved and to be engaged to make things happen.

The Gift Of Having An Entrepreneurial Mindset

Amali believes that one thing to bear in mind is that all of us have got that part and we need to focus our minds along with it as there can be a little voice inside our heads that would say it does not.
We need to acknowledge it and just bring ourselves back to that conscious focus about what we want because the mind can be very questioning telling us it doesn’t exist. You can keep your focus to where you want it to be. It’s an important step because our conscious mind is only a small part of our mind.
Our subconscious mind is much smaller. We need to keep our focus on what we want and be gentle to that subconscious mind. We’re using our mind, we are directing it, then we’re being centred.

Supporting the Subconscious Mind

Focusing on our conscious mind and setting our conscious intentions, Amali stresses spending time thinking about what we want and those that we don’t want. According to her, once this is done, all our attention is in there. We need to be questioning the pessimism we may have and go straight on hitting our goal.
This is redirecting our minds and lending our conscious minds, the one that has the power to take over, rather than that subconscious mind. Amali suggested breathing and meditation are good for practising to focus our minds. In addition, being in nature is another way to do it.

Dealing with the Pessimists and Finding Serendipity In Renovating

Amali shared that when someone has an idea and is unsure about it, he or she can go to a group and ask them their inputs. With the conversation going on, the group can create positivity and have everybody’s interest to build on it. Gradually, it builds the opportunity for serendipity as well, because everybody’s working together.

James Embraces ‘Transformational Vocabulary’

James had always tried to work on his own vocabulary. He calls it transformational vocabulary, some fascination about what he uses. One of his pet peeves is the word “but” and he tries to avoid it in his copywriting or writing in general as it actually negates everything. His practice is to swap it to “and ” which turned out great. His goal is to develop a positive conversation. He also believes nature brings us into the present and it allows us to find a sense of peace. Things can really be powerful.

Amali Shares Her Experience In Being Optimistic

Amali shares how she turned her worrying and hopeless mind to aim for a positive outcome which resulted in a successful project.
 They live in a beautiful area of McMasters Beach where they were the ones who renovated and built that house.
She was starting to look at real estate and thought that she needed a project. She was depressed thinking she needed to leave her husband. Her husband does not want to move as the house has been his family for 60 years.
Amali’s way of renovating has always been just renovating the house and listening to positive thinking podcasts. She also once thought that it was ridiculous as she has been teaching renovating houses but she finds herself thinking she will never renovate a place again. She diverted her mind to thinking it would be possible because if she can imagine it, it must exist.
She started imagining how she was going to get the funding. She found a place and bought her first investment property. She was supposedly going to buy a property in Miami but it didn’t work out and she was really glad it didn’t because it was going to have a shopfront and it would probably have been terrible in the COVID-19 situation. She bought this little unit in freshwater for $750K and they put in about $35,000 for the renovation then sold it for about a million dollars.
Amali is now working on her next project. Therefore she concluded that turning pessimistic ideas around as she was in such a depressed state of mind, she just shifted it and created another potential. Changing the thought of saying “I can’t” to “I can!” is very powerful.

Bernadette Agrees to Amali’s Way Of Being Optimistic

Bernadette agrees with Amali that being optimistic in life is very powerful. If that phrase, “I can’t,” is in your vocabulary, you need to change it to, “I’m only willing to,” as nobody can’t sound like they got nothing. Sometimes it can’t be helped. Such as, “I’m unwilling to,” means at least you’re taking responsibility for that decision. Bernadette also added something that really helps in bringing about a sort of serendipity, and connections have to do a lot. It’s about building a rapport with customers and having trustworthiness from people to be connected and share with them what you’re doing because it is going to turn out to be surprised when the connection has been built. For example, they projected that they were on at the moment they have.

When Amali Was Looking For A Tiler

Amali once was also in need of a tiler, she had a tough time finding one that she would pay more to have her search be published in high-rated pages but still couldn’t get anybody to respond. However, she believed that if she can see it, it must exist. Then finally in one hour, somebody called her. The guy turned up to be coming from Weiwei, their jobs at the Central Coast and asked her if she was free. The guy was interesting and excellent as he got a hundred positive reviews. That’s how it was serendipitous.

Bernadette’s Experience With Serendipity In Renovating

So it was the kitchen. The problem was none of the cabinet makers could do anything before Christmas. And so she decided she had it all planned out in Ikea, but she first went to Bunnings but found out she wasn’t happy with their products.
She spent three nights finding what she can add to the cart on Ikea’s website and she was having a hard time as she got a message that the product is not available. She decided to go to shops and stores until she found one that had everything.
She ordered what she could get, but there were no doors and panels. After a week she got a call advising her that they are coming to pick the orders up. She told them not until they already had the doors and panels. Then they replied, unfortunately, there’s no slot for them, so they’re not coming. Apparently, she is back to square one.
She checked out marketplaces such as Gumtree and eBay. Meanwhile, there’s a pop-up for a particular display kitchen store, a brand new kitchen that had several appliances with the perfect configuration of exactly what she had planned for the project. The store had it priced at $10,000.00. Bernadette asked the seller if it was installed and the seller said no, it needed to be taken out.
Bernadette thought she couldn’t get that. The seller then suggested if she wants it removed, she just needs to pay another thousand dollars. It was still within budget. But she preferred to get a bargain and so she ended up offering him $8,000.00 for the kitchen and the seller accepted it.
That was the day James and Bernadette went over and picked it up and the rest is history. She already had the roofing done for it in new Lambton. She had to check it to ensure it was a similar configuration. They can never be really sure until they install it.
When it was done, it went in perfectly right that the stone splashback on the back part of the kitchen, but cut out for the PowerPoint was in exactly the right place. It was perfectly done.

James’ Experience With Serendipity In Renovating

In connection with the Newcastle project, the problem was that it had a gas Miele stove, but they wanted an electric stove instead. It was a $4,000.00 or more brand new gas stove, and having it plugged in is not ideal. The next thing James had to do is to find an induction cooktop. He went to Harvey, Norman and priced that back up at $4,000 price. Sheree, who’s also in the class project, found that marketplace four months old.
An induction stove priced at $1,500.00 that they checked last Saturday was fixed exactly in the space, it’s just perfect. James stressed that they were the ones that were only given two examples, but if they stand back to the door, that’s what they need to be doing. He felt that even when he renovated in the past, it was like he was a novice and he was learning from the masters.
He learned that taking one step with a significant vision is very important. The intention is highly valued, rather than keeping it going. James commended Bernadette as she is such an extraordinary example of not stopping and striving to keep the project moving. He also added that momentum keeps this serendipity in renovating naturally unfolding for them because there’s an intention behind it and he is privileged to be part of the Wonder Women because the group values camaraderie, support and energy. James is just amazed at what the outcome may happen with the group he is in.

Bernadette’s Passion Project

Bernadette thought about replacing that project as Steven is retiring. She was thinking of a passion project. She luckily found it and negotiated the purchase. She knows she is the only person that could buy the property and she found it nostalgic as she also went to school in this town.
It’s a tiny town with 700 people in it. Hence, she already knew how small towns tend to be quite proactive. Bernadette got that renovating connection and happily she also got Steven in the team who is an absolute king of construction. She just happened to be in the right place and at the right time to happen to meet the right person who happened to put it all together.
She was going to meet the owner by next week with the vision of sealing the deal. It was an interesting historic building. It’s on a splitter block so it’s two blocks and one title. She wants to turn the actual building into an Airbnb mini-hotel and restore it and so on. Then the other block to put some long-term rental on it. It’s a project that she had in mind for a long time.
Bernadette and Stephen loved to do those projects. After some time, a deal just turned up in her lap without even having to look for it.

Amali Worked With Several People In Coaching

Amali worked with people that had issues in coaching. She taught them when they had written it down, it is not going to work. She highlighted that they just coach them through to write it down.
Amali shared her sister’s story years ago, that she was looking for a place and she found a rental place. She advised her sister to just write down what she wanted. They were overseas together and she went home to Canada. Her sister found the house in two days.
They said to her they wanted a swimming pool and she wanted an office. Then her boys said that she can’t get that. She has been looking at different houses and one day, she got it right. It has the “For Sale” and she made an offer and they accepted it.
She thought she shouldn’t have gotten that as a single mom, but she did. She believed that it’s going to happen.

Experience About the Property Bought In Melbourne

 James was reminded of how he found the property he purchased in Melbourne. He lived in two periods, for 10 years and he used to commute. He looked at this warehouse building and drove past unconsciously there. He observed that it was quite familiar particularly with the structure of the shape and then it helped them with their site.
To make the long story short, James ended up buying it for about $375,000.00. This story was back in the nineties and he ended up several years later selling it for $995,000.00.
When he was living in America, he was doing the same thing again, loving this historic district in downtown Phoenix, driving around the streets, and finding that there were the Pesaro signs. He ended up buying a historic house and renovating it. The bedroom, bathroom and the attic.
He has been living in that apartment for several years. Overdue for a renovation has featured him in some of Bernadette’s workshops having visited and knocked him off by his chair to create the audio spot for the kitchen or he will be sitting right in the kitchen.
The corporate body wants to get the common areas renovated. It was borrowed beautifully. James got the general principle of the agreement to invest in an upgrade whereas it is up to him to make that happen with some more quotes, but there’s really been no push back.
James is really surprised because he has been projecting with corporates and it is a problem if there will be a mistake. James has yet to manifest that whole story, a new renovation and a set in a building, but he is on the case.

Correlating Quantum Physics and Serendipity In Renovating

Bernadette thinks it would be remiss not to talk about the role of quantum physics where the whole concept is that people and everything is connected and may not be as visibly connected as it is. The perfect word was “energetically connected”. She mentions that it also plays a part when somebody walks, she believes there are people who want to get into renovating or investing in a property that they have been wanting to do and focusing on that intention.
She shared that they had a woman in their community who came and participated in their boot camp, a few years ago. She is currently out of marriage. She came out of it with next to nothing. She came off worse for wear, but she scraped it together to learn how to make more money.
That woman recently came back and joined the Wonder Women team. She told Bernadette that those few shares that were worth nothing have absolutely gone ballistic over the last few years. Now, she’s got a great chunk of money so that she can use it to get herself going. Bernadette knows she is really going to do well.

Focusing On Having The “Can Do” Attitude

Amali said that it comes down to focus again saying, “I can, but I don’t know-how,” attitude. One must be able to do it.
She shared that when she was a single mom, people kept telling her that it’s impossible for her to get a loan because she is a single mother of a child who is seven-year-old and another one, who is four-year-old, so how is it going to work? But eventually, they gave her the loan that they said to her and was told that she needed to have financial training.
Bernadette added that intention and commitment to do a project are things that have been working out. Staying stuck to your fight when things don’t look good.

The Importance Of Acceptance

Incorporating the importance of acceptance, Amali said that the element of acceptance is not pushing because when someone starts to push they create resistance and they actually close doors. When someone chooses acceptance, it does not mean that they are not moving forward. They’re accepting where they are. They still have the vision which creates the tension for something else to manifest. Amali compared bringing acceptance just like her mom who was not feeling well but kept on resisting the pain.
She elaborated that she needed to just accept it. Amali got a call from her mom and she sounded so ill on Friday but Amali felt fantastic. She has been saying that intention every single day and her life’s turned around and it was her accepting where she was. Therefore, hold the vision, but just accept it and then be open to what those spaces are in between.
The vision and the acceptance are just around and just waiting for whatever manifests in between. That’s the serendipity of that space for Amali.

Thoughts About Power And Perception

James shares that innate abilities, powers and perceptions are what we all have. This reminds him of the book about the Celestine Prophecy. It was the number one bestseller at the time he was living in America. He remembers he was on a plane going somewhere and flew a lot back there and he would observe two-thirds of the passengers were all reading the book.
 Bernadette added that when she was reading about serendipity, it talked about an interesting concept which is creatively dissatisfied. She thought that this is a very powerful emotion being dissatisfied but in a creative way. We need to start thinking out of the box and look for a solution. She thinks that this fits into the necessity of being the mother of all invention sort of mantra.
James interjected and shared that there have been some extraordinary business partnerships he got. He was into a conversation with the guys who got together to create PayPal. That came out of serendipity, spontaneously met him being at the right place and the right time. They sold it to eBay that Elon Musk who went on to found the tesla or the rest of him as did the other people that had some amazing things. He mentioned Kate and Suzzette who found each other in Wonder Women. In the beginning, they do not have a connection and they had to get to know each other and fortunately, that whole partnership has unfolded magnificently.
I love to teach people because. It’s about really owning your power and it’s awesome.”
-Amali de Vos

She Renovates Facebook Group

If you want to meet up with a group of savvy renovators. I would say come over and join She Renovates Facebook Group. It’s a completely FREE Facebook group and it is growing at the rate of knots. We hit over a thousand members just recently, and now it seems to have picked up momentum. They are all savvy renovating women and men working their little hearts out to live a better life through renovating.

Where To Reach Amali De Vos? 

Instagram: karinamali.nurturehouse

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    Amazing Free Content!LeaLea707 via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 05/22/22
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    “I have been listening to this Podcast for a few years now. I love how Bernadette freely shares her experiences and knowledge of renovating and how to create wealth through property. There are many people out there doing a similar things but Bernadette is the real deal. Her down to earth approach reasonates with me and I’ve learned lots from her. I’d highly recommend She Renovates!”
    Just brilliant!fbegeng via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 03/16/22
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    “I've been binge-listening to this podcast for the past week and it's absolutely brilliant. Bernadette has amassed so much knowledge and wisdom about renovating and she shares it generously and in a really easy to understand way that's inspired me to give it a go. Her advice is practical and I love that she approaches renovating in a really ethical and open-hearted way. Every episode honestly is gold. I also love that each episode is quite short and addresses a specific topic without any waffle. Thank you so much for this podcast!”
    Practical and honest adviceLuke Marland via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 05/12/21
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    “Hands down best renovation podcast there is. There’s no scams or tricks here and Bernadette provides honest and practical advice that you can actually apply to your life. There’s also great insights into the property industry (not just renovating) and Bernadette’s simple approach gives you tools to mitigate risk and fuels confidence to start your own projects.”
    Amazing insights and adviceJennaBrad via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 03/22/21
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    “Bernadette is an inspiration. Warm, open and a fountain of wisdom and advice. I’ve learned so much about everything from renovating to selling to creating an independent future from this podcast. Look forward to every episode!”
    Practical Magic For All RenovatorsJames’ Inspiration via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 12/15/20
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    “If you need to break through any of your limitations to find the joy and success in renovation, Bernadette is your inspiration and advisor with decades of experience. Her down to earth, practical style of sharing what works and how to keep control of any renovating project is worth tuning in for - week after week. I have done a few renovations in the (distant) past and now feel motivated to go again, this time for a change of pace and new horizons. This podcast shows the way. Thanks Bernadette, James Burgin”
    My Guilty Pleasure..Tanned Greek via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 10/26/20
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    “Just dropping by to show my support for your podcast Bernadette. I look forward to each episode and I am never disappointed with the content. It’s such a generous offering and compared to many of the other property podcasts I subscribe to, yours is the clear winner. Perfectly suited to people embarking on a new renovator journey but equally suited to more experienced folk like myself - there’s something for everyone. Keep up the great work. Your honesty is so refreshing! I look forward to future learning and hearing more student success stories. Best, David Michos (And yes... a bloke) 😉”
    You would have to be crazy to miss this !!Lifestylepp via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 10/15/20
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    “If you have any interest at all in renovating, you would be crazy not to listen to every episode! As someone who has done many courses and a project manager by trade, i learn something every time. Bernadette is so genuine and generous and totally relatable. Do yourself a favour and subscribe now !”

    Want more?

    If you want to meet up with a group of savvy renovators. I would say come over and join She Renovates Facebook Group. It’s a completely FREE Facebook group and it is growing at the rate of knots. We hit over a thousand members just recently, and now it seems to have picked up momentum. They are all savvy renovating women and men working their little hearts out to live a better life through renovating.

    The only membership you need to grow your renovation business…

    Wonder Women is a combination of live sessions and pre-recorded content to help you get what you need, when you need it. I know that you’re the expert and you’ve got all of your subject knowledge nailed – now it’s time to build the business behind your renovation projects and stop being the worlds best kept secret. 

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